Using the Best Moisturizer For Very Dry Skin - Can Really Help Older Peoples Dry Skin Problems Too!

I don't know anything about you -- but, if you're at all like me... The wrong side of 50 by a long shot, you should seriously think about using the best moisturizer for very dry skin.

Lots of us old guys think why the hell should we start using skin creams and moisturizes now, seeing we haven't bothered using one for the past 50 or 60 years.

\"dry Skin\"

I have to confess... Up until six months ago that's exactly how I felt. But, I've changed my mind -- because I now know using one has made a huge improvement to my complexion. Simply applying a good quality natural anti-aging skin cream with high levels of active ingredients once or twice a day.

Using the Best Moisturizer For Very Dry Skin - Can Really Help Older Peoples Dry Skin Problems Too!

Between 50 and 60 years old your skin deteriorates noticeably quicker than it did between 40 and 50. Now, the bad news is from 60 onwards it gets even worse, the wrinkles get deeper quicker and quicker. So, if you want to end up being a wrinkly "old dude" like me by 65..."Ignore what I'm about to say."

The most important thing you can do for your skin is to stop it getting very dry. Once you go past 50 it is important to hydrate, moisturize and nourish it.

To do this you need to find the "best moisturizer for dry skin" you can get your hands on.

Most women have been smart enough to add moisture and hydrate their faces over the years. Unfortunately, the opposite is the case with most men. -- So, you guys need to get on board and do some hydrating and moisturizing to make a real difference to that dry, wrinkled face of yours.

What you need to add to your facial skin is emollients and moisturizers -- they have similar properties and their main function is to hydrate (increase moisture, water, natural oils) and also prevent moisture loss.

There some great natural hydrating substances available that I know about -- and here's just a few:

Cynergy TK"(TM)" with functional keratin"(TM)" -- Macadamia Oil -- D-Panthenol -- Phytessence Wakame -- Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10... CoenzymeQ10 in a new "nano-emulsion"

Don't ignore your skin and kid yourself it will be okay as you get older..."It won't." Take some friendly advice from someone who's been there and done the wrong thing... Do something positive today to help your complexion -- "Tomorrow Will Be Too Late."

At my website, I go into more detail on the best moisturizer for very dry skin that I use, and discuss other relevant anti-aging anti-wrinkle issues, that can contribute to you having a more comfortable, smoother looking complexion.

Using the Best Moisturizer For Very Dry Skin - Can Really Help Older Peoples Dry Skin Problems Too!

Mike Iredale believes older people can benefit and improve their facial appearance using natural anti aging, anti wrinkle skin care products, and live longer healthy lifestyles using natural supplements daily. If you're interested to learn more. Go to ==> today.

How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin

Dry skin is is a chronic skin diseases that frequently affects millions of people around the world. If you are troubled by this kind of skin condition, it means your skin lacks moisture and tender care is needed to restore the skin back to its former self.

Several problems are usually associated with the presence of dry skin. First, the skin will show signs of itchy red rashes that tend to disturb sleep and makes rest unattainable. In much more severe cases, swelling can occur and the skin tend to looks slumped and wrinkled. In fact, many common skin ailments like eczema and psoriasis are a direct cause of dry skin. Wrinkles and fine lines are the most obvious examples of consequences due to this skin problem.

\"dry Skin\"

So what can you do if you are facing this irritating but non life threatening skin problem?

How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin

When it comes to getting rid of dry skin, you need to understand that there are no quick fix. It is almost impossible to find a cure that can be applied whereby positive results can be achieved by the next following day.

To get rid of this problem in the first place, it is important to understand what causes dry skin (that is why you have dry skin) to occur. Usually, different factors like side effects from medication, bad lifestyle habits (e.g smoking), inadequate nutrition, environmental factors and advanced age are common explanations as to why one would have dry skin.

By determining what is the triggering factors for your dry skin, chances are, you will be able to control it better. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find out what cause you to have dry skin in the first place. You need to isolate each single cause before you can effectively point out what is the underlying cause. And there could be many of them.
But more importantly however, you need a logical treatment plan that can help you to effectively control the problem and allow the time for the skin to heal properly. You also need to change your lifestyle and make use of products that can help your dry skin. Here are a few useful tips which may be helpful for you to eradicate your dry skin.

1. Use a moisturizer.

A good moisturizer can help you to maintain moisture in your dry skin. Every time you feel your skin starting to feel dry, you should quickly apply a generous layer of moisturizer to make them wet again.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables

These contains a lot of vitamins and minerals which are helpful for your skin. Try to consume at least 3 servings per day.

3. Baths

Hot showers always clear away the nutrients from our skin. That is very damaging to people with dry skin especially. Engage in shorter baths and use lukewarm water instead.

4. Dry skin products

There are many self medicated dry skin products that can help you to ease the sufferings from dry skin. However, not all as effective as what its advertisement claims. Amongst all the dry skin products that we have researched, Zemned, Autopalm and Skin E Dip are the three most popular products that can help you to repair your dry skin. For more details and information how these products can help you to get rid of dry skin, visit [].

How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin

Jerrick is the author of Dry Skin Care – a self-help site for skin care sufferers. For more dry skin remedies, recipes, treatments and suitable dry skin products for your use, visit his website at

Dry Facial Skin

Let's face it--when we hear about "dry skin," the first parts of our bodies that we think about are, well, our faces. And why not? The face is the most exposed patch of skin on our bodies, and many of our emotions, thoughts and feelings are conveyed through facial expressions. Therefore, it's no surprise for many of us to be much more worried about dry facial skin than on dry skin that's located elsewhere on our bodies.

Dry skin and wrinkles affect certain parts of the face more commonly, such as around the mouth, nose and eyes. Certain special treatments for these areas are available for perusal all over the Net, and will be covered in future articles in this website as well--this article will only give some insight to the nature of dry facial skin and some general methods of treating it.

\"dry Skin\"

If you are plagued with dry skin on the face, it is important to first know your skin type before applying any sort of treatment. Using the wrong treatment on your skin may either have barely any effect on your skin and waste a lot of your money, or do the exact opposite and actually worsen your dry skin condition.

Dry Facial Skin

There are three basic skin types: dry, oily, and combination. There's a chance that your skin does not actually fall into any of the three types and may instead be a combination of two. The following test will give you a good idea of your skin type, and consequently a treatment for your dry skin.

First, wash your face and pat it dry--don't wipe it! Then take a few pieces of rice paper or lens-cleaning tissue paper and place them on different spots on your face. See if the pieces of paper stick to the skin and become translucent, or if they don't stick and pick up oily spots. If the pieces fall off, it means you have the dry skin type. If they stick all over, then you have the oily skin type. If they only stick in certain spots--such as around your T-zone--then congratulations. You have combination skin type, and it's quite normal and easiest to treat.

Treatment of dry skin on the face involves four steps. The first one is nightly cleansing. First wet your face with warm water and apply an oil-based cleanser. Now, normally cleansers are made of water, surfactants, and oil. Try to choose a cleanser that has an amount of oil that is suited for your skin type. Too much oil may clog your pores, and too little will cause dry skin. Also, too much oil can cause acne, which at times can be worse than dry skin.

The second step is exfoliation. This can be done on a weekly basis, such as by microdermabrasion and retinoids, but if you can afford it, the monthly chemical peel is also a good choice. Microdermabrasion involves scrubbing off the layer of dry skin that tends to dull your complexion. Microdermabrasion kits are commercially available, and a weekly routine helps keep your skin glowing all year round--just make sure that the scrubs have small fine grains, as large rough grains can crack your skin and worsen its condition. Retinoids also remove the top layer of skin, but also generates collagen in the skin. Collagen is the structural fiber of the skin, and needs to be replenished regularly since it breaks down over time and causes large pores and lines. Chemical peels can be expensive, but there are over-the-counter peels that can tide you over for the month.

Thirdly: moisturize. Unless you have acne, moisturizing will always benefit your skin. Choose a moisturizer that provides the right amount of moisturizing--and it should smell good, feel good, and doesn't feel greasy at all. If your skin feels tight even after moisturizing, it's a sign of dry skin--and it should tell you to find a more effective moisturizer. As always, be sure to mist or dampen your skin before applying the moisturizer, otherwise there won't be any moisture to lock in.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, use a sunscreen. Sun damage is the leading cause for wrinkles. During the day, a good idea is to use a moisturizer with UV protection; however, make sure to use a different moisturizer after dark as these moisturizers can irritate skin when used all the time. Always remember that winter sun and overcast days are just as bad as summer sun. Using a sunscreen daily is probably the simplest thing you can do to avoid dry skin on your face.

Dry Facial Skin brings you all the latest information you need to combat your dry skin problems. There's nothing to buy, just really helpful information. Be sure to check out pages like Dry Face Skin Also visit Dogwood Square for Thymes Eucalyptus bath & body products which are formulated to be healthy for your skin.

Dry Skin - How to Care For Your Dry Skin Naturally

All right, I admit I do not have dry skin. But it does not mean I will not be sharing some helpful tips on how you can effectively soften your dry skin. The markets abound with lots of moisturizer and other skin care products. Before buying some, you need to know what causes dry skin and what kind of ingredients you should look for to effectively address this condition.

How dry skin develops

\"dry Skin\"

Dry skin is basically caused by lack of moisture on the skin. That is a pretty common-sense answer but it is true. Moisture content on the skin is essential to the proper functioning of the dermal layers. A dry skin becomes flaky and irritated, considering that the uppermost layer of the skin does not contain blood vessels that can nourish it. This is where keratin, a type of naturally produced protein, plays a key role. It is mainly responsible for absorbing and trapping moisture.

Dry Skin - How to Care For Your Dry Skin Naturally

Emollient and its basic functions

An effective treatment for dry akin must contain emollients. These are substances that soften or smooth the skin surface. An emollient has three basic functions, as follows:

1. Occlusion. Emollient is effective in augmenting the skin moisture loss by trapping the water inside. Occlusion provides an additional layer of oil on the skin surface to prevent the dissipation of water to the atmosphere. By helping retain water, it increases moisture content on the stratum corneum, the technical the upper most layer of the epidermis.

2. Humectants. The skin, mainly through the keratin fibers, has its own water retaining capacity. Our own body has its own way of retaining water, although as we progress in age, this capacity to retain water weakens. Humectants strengthen the water-holding capacity of the stratum corneum.

3. Lubrication. As a lubricant, emollient provides additional slip or glide across the skin.

There are many emollient substances taken from natural ingredients. Make sure your skin care product contains any of these substances. Cetiol PLG is a type of emollient taken from natural plant extracts. Crodamol CP is another equally effective emollient that is taken from palm oil lipid. It is a combination of cytyl alcohol taken from coconut oil and acetic acid, mostly extracted from apples, oranges, peaches, pineapple, strawberries and grapes. A variant of Vitamin B5, D-Panthenol, is another effective emollient.


Some products also contain many natural anti-oxidants. Remember that these anti-oxidants are responsible in fighting the free radicals in the body. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that produces the said free radicals that ultimately damage the cellular membranes. Anti-oxidants are critical because they minimize the oxidative stress inside the cells. There are many widely known rich sources of anti-oxidants. The Macadamia oil is a very good example. You know what? It has reputedly the highest concentration of palmitoleic acid, a very effective anti-oxidant that deeply penetrates and hydrates the skin layer. CoQ10 is another powerful anti-oxidant. Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 is another common substance that is also used in promoting collagen regeneration in the body. This particular substance uses nano-emulsion. Because of its ultra small molecular size, it can deeply penetrate the deepest layers of the skin, making it very effective in addressing skin condition.

You can also use a skin moisturizer. This is specifically ideal every time you go out. Extended exposure to direct ultra-violet rays of the sun aggravates your dry skin condition. Make sure you take plenty of water too. Nutritionists suggest a minimum of 8 glasses of water per day.

A simple skin care regimen and diligent observance of these helpful tips will effectively soften your dry skin.

Dry Skin - How to Care For Your Dry Skin Naturally

And to help you get clearer and younger looking skin, I will like to share with you one anti aging skin care range that I found contains more active ingredients than any other cream on the market. These ingredients are effective moisturizers, because they penetrate deeply and "nourish". So, they never feel greasy.

I have never seen any other natural products that is as good and report no negative or adverse effects. They are hypo-allergenic, fragrance free and can be used on any skin-type. If you want to see discover similar results, you should visit to find out more.

Dry Skin - Causes and Treatment

Winter weather is one of skin's worst enemies. Although winter weather will put your skin through more wear and tear than usual, there are other factors that should be considered while talking care of your skin.

To keep your skin moisturized, supple and younger a proper regimen has to be followed. This has the advantage of cutting down on wrong habits of skin treatment and self medication which may further damage your skin instead of rejuvenating it.

\"dry Skin\"

"Xerosis" is the dermatological term for dry skin. "Pruritus" is another extreme condition of xerosis where the skin moisture is completely absent and results in scaling, itching and cracking.

Dry Skin - Causes and Treatment

Your skin needs a minimum amount of moisture to maintain itself of its suppleness and flexibility. Lack of such moisture content renders your skin entirely unprotected.

Moisture less skin is also very vulnerable to seepage of harmful ultra violet rays from the sun to the subcutaneous tissue and cause irreparable damage.

The undesirable condition of dry skin can be caused by a variety of factors. Identifying these will help you to prevent them through proper and timely care. Check the soap you use for ingredients that may be harsh in nature. Soaps that are deodorizing or anti-bacterial are strong and tend to rob your skin of required moisture and oils rendering it dry.

Here are some tips to avoid dry skin. Avoid washing with hot water, and avoid washing too frequently. Frequent bathing with hot water may expose your skin to infections by removing the moisture retaining ingredients. If you are used to bathing with hot water and cannot resist the temptation, try replacing it with lukewarm water to lessen the effect of skin dryness.

Frequent wash and bath, usually more than once a day and it depletes your body with moisture and natural oils. Also, limit your bathing time within 15 minutes.

Effective moisturizers are dependent on your immediate and long-term needs. If you want to relieve itching caused by dry skin, ordinary moisturizers will serve your purpose.

Balanced-diet and exercise: Drinking plenty of water is also important.

If these and other treatments are not effective in alleviating all the symptoms of drying skin, it is best that you consult a professional dermatologist so they can closely monitor the cause of dryness.

Dry Skin - Causes and Treatment

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Dry Skin - Guide To Natural Treatments

Dry skin is easily treatable today when you know how to take care of it both inside and out. Natural treatments for dry skin are the best choice, rather than harsh chemical treatments.

The epidermis contains no blood vessels, and cells in the deepest layers are nourished by diffusion from blood capillaries extending to the uppermost layers of the dermis. The dermis is the layer of skin beneath the epidermis that consists of connective tissue and cushions the body from stress and strain. Our skin has many nerve endings that provide the sense of touch and heat.

\"dry Skin\"

Dry skin can be due to a genetic condition but it's not common. Nutritional deficiencies, especially deficiencies of vitamin A and the B vitamins can also contribute to dry skin or result in a chronic dry skin condition that's not relieved by anything else. When the skin loses moisture it may crack and peel, or become irritated and inflamed.

Dry Skin - Guide To Natural Treatments

The symptoms most associated with dry skin are: scaling, which is the visible peeling of the outer skin layer, itching, and cracks in the skin. Dermatitis, contact dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea or psoriasis may cause the skin to become very dry too. Dry skin can also be a sign of an underactive thyroid.

Drink freshly extracted carrot juice, if you can, every day; carrot juice is an excellent cleanser for the liver, great for the skin and contains a great deal of nutrients, all beneficial for dry skin, eczema, acne, zits, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and other breakouts. It's important to eat foods that are high in omega-3's for your dry skin or acne. I put two tablespoons of coconut oil in my smoothies, which are made with fruits only - using a base of two bananas, then adding fruit, frozen or fresh-- blend well.

For any skin condition, it's always better to take a natural approach. If you use moisturizers, use the thick, oily-type which work better for dry skin. Keep baths or showers short using warm, never hot water.

Use can use bath oils and moisturizers every day, but coconut oil has the added power of healing. Apply coconut oil to irritated or chapped lips as well; it's edible, so it's safe and so healing to the lips. When you buy coconut oil, make sure you get the kind that hasn't been refined, processed and deodorized.

I buy coconut oil by the gallon; it's cheaper for a whole gallon of coconut oil than a small jar of department store, name-brand moisturizer. Apply coconut oil daily to your skin to heal, moisturize and soothe it.

The skin supports its own ecosystem of microorganisms, including yeasts and bacteria, which cannot be removed by any amount of cleaning. Sunlight, water and air play an important role in keeping the skin healthy.

You should see the results with improved skin within a few days following these dry skin tips and suggestions. Make sure to call your skin doctor or dermatologist when you have any open cuts or sores from scratching that won't heal. And did I mention to drink lots and lots of water every day?

Dry Skin - Guide To Natural Treatments

For more information on coconut oil treatment for dry skin and dry skin care treatments go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in care for skin conditions with tips, advice and resources for women, men, teens and babies, including information on the best natural products

Dry Peeling Skin

Everyone suffers from dry skin every now and then. Sometimes, however, dead skin peels off in such large quantities that it's impossible not to worry that something is terribly wrong. This article deals with the possible causes of dry peeling skin, its treatments, and whether or not it necessitates a visit to the doctor's office.

For the most part, peeling dry skin does not constitute a medical emergency. The skin is made of three parts: the top layer (epidermis), a middle layer (dermis), and an inner layer (hypodermis). Every 28 days, the epidermis completely replaces its skin cells. This may result in some peeling, more evident in some people than in others.

\"dry Skin\"

Dry peeling skin has many other possible causes. The more common ones include dry skin, sunburn, Vitamin A overdose, and chemical irritation due to exposure to household cleaners and solvents. In the winter, falling temperatures and humidity dehydrates the skin and may cause some peeling. Excessive sun exposure causes the top layer of the skin, the epidermis, to peel naturally. The overdose of Vitamin A (usually in the form of acne-treating gels like Retin-A) can cause the skin to thin and peel. The harsh ingredients in many household cleaners can harm the skin on your hands if you don't use rubber gloves.

Dry Peeling Skin

Some of the more serious causes include eczema, psoriasis, or toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). Eczema is an inflammation of the epidermis and is marked by red, dry skin that may flake, blister, or bleed. Psoriasis is a possibly-genetic medical condition that is characterized by rapidly-growing skin that peel off in scales. TEN, also called toxic skin death, is caused by an unusual allergic reaction to common drugs, such as sulfa drugs, gout medications or penicillin. People afflicted with TEN must be hospitalized.

Another hereditary cause of dry peeling skin is the Peeling Skin Syndrome, a skin condition marked by dry skin that continuously peels off. Redness and itchiness may also accompany the dry peeling skin. Medical consultation is often needed to treat this skin condition.

Most of the common skin-care treatments work well in treating dry peeling skin. For starters, make sure to drink enough fluids daily (a half-gallon is average) to avoid the tendency of getting dry skin in the first place. Dry skin is usually a sign of dehydration.

Resist the temptation to pick or scratch the dry peeling skin: doing so can open breaks in the skin and invite infection. This is particularly dangerous for people with eczema or psoriasis, as the infection can seep into the tissue and worsen the skin condition. To cut a piece of peeling skin, use a pair of fine scissors to snip at the larger flakes. Pulling or tearing at the flakes can cause you to accidentally tear healthy skin with it.

Sticking to a diet rich in protein, iron, and the Vitamins A, B and C can show an improvement in your skin in as little as a month. Protein-rich foods include meat (not fried!), fish, nuts, and dairy products. You can get your iron from beans, peas, and cereals. Lots of citrus fruit and vegetables will help you get your daily intake of Vitamins A, B, and C--and it wouldn't hurt to throw in a few dietary supplements in for good measure!

Many doctors also suggest a cool shower or Aveeno bath to ease the discomfort of dry peeling skin, especially if the condition affects most parts of the body. Also, make the switch to a milder soap; switching to a cleanser is an even better idea. Two cups of Aveeno in a tub of lukewarm water will do the trick; don't use hot water as it aggravates dry skin. Make sure you don't stay in the water for longer than twenty minutes, or risk losing more moisture. After the shower, pat yourself dry and apply moisturizer to the affected areas.

Always wear sunscreen during the day: sun exposure is a leading cause of dry skin and wrinkles. Even then, try to stay in the shade between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. This is when ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is at its most concentrated.

When do you go to see the doctor? Rule of thumb for all dry skin problems is to schedule a visit when the dryness and itchiness become severe enough to interfere with common daily activities, such as self-care and sleeping. If you have dry peeling skin, also visit the doctor when the problem escalates with taking a new medication, or if the dry peeling skin comes with a rash.

Dry Peeling Skin brings you all the latest information you need to combat your dry skin problems. There's nothing to buy, just really helpful information. Be sure to check out pages like Dry Peeling Skin. © 2007 copyright by DSquare Marketing and Della Franklin.